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  • Writer's picture Claire Fratson

Create Space.....

When we make time to practise yoga we give ourselves space to pause, to regenerate, refocus and replenish our energies.

We create space in the body as we breathe deeply and fully, filling the chest, back, belly and ribs.

We create space as we stretch the muscles and lengthen the limbs, expanding differently to when sitting at a desk or in front of the TV.

We expand into the space around us as we move through our practice.

When we intentionally create space in our lives, we can intentionally decide what to fill it with ~Cait Flanders

We create space in our minds through focus and breath work, shutting out the worries and thoughts as we move through our practice….we create space to think.

We create space in our lives; it gives us the freedom to change, grow, expand, and evolve to become the best version of ourselves.

How often do you move through the day on autopilot with a full schedule and busy mind leaving little room for anything else? To create space for yourself is important for your wellbeing, and is an investment in ‘you’.

Taking the time to focus, unblock energy channels, and breathe deeply decreases stress and helps us to gain and maintain mental clarity and calmness.

Create space and find your inner strength……….Body – Mind - Spirit


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