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  • Writer's picture Claire Fratson

Rinse and Twist – A Yoga Spring Clean

As we leave the long, dark, winter months behind and head into spring, you may notice feeling sluggish both mentally and physically.  During winter we naturally spend more time indoors, getting less sunshine and fresh air, and indulging in heavier carb rich foods – similar to a state of hibernation.  This can leave us feeling heavy, like we are in need of a spring clean.  Yoga can offer just that through twisting poses, or, ‘rotational movements’.  It’s safe to say that most of us don’t think ‘I must twist today to maintain my full range of motion’, but such movement is of great benefit to our overall wellbeing.  A sedentary lifestyle can result in the loss of a full range of motion in spinal rotation. Most of us maintain straight lines in our daily activities, rarely rotating and twisting.  In the long term, this can result in backache, restriction of movement and ultimately, spinal problems.  Neglecting our natural range of motion can lead to the hardening and fusing of joints, and the shortening of soft tissues, ultimately leading to a loss of joint mobility.

The spine is the tree of life.  Respect it. ~Martha Graham~

Regular mindful rotational movement benefits us in many ways which is exactly why I incorporate gentle twists into every class.  Particularly as we leave winter behind, enter into spring, and give ourselves that much needed ‘spring clean’.  Regular twists rotate the spine and stretch the muscles of the back.  I often refer to this in class as ‘rinsing and twisting’, likening the movement to wringing water from a cloth as the muscles extend and stretch and we create a feeling of space in the spine.  Notice how, when you have sat for long periods of time, perhaps slumped over the computer, you tend to feel low on energy.  Twisting works with the spine to lengthen and create a feeling of space between the vertebrae. This creation of space through rinsing and twisting, is an energiser both physically and mentally.  When you twist your spinal cord and your whole back, tension accumulated throughout the day is released.  This release of tension induces a state of calm, promoting relaxation and deep breathing, and activating the para-sympathetic nervous system.  This is great for reducing stress and increasing overall feelings of wellbeing.

The spine supports, and is the control centre, for the entire body. Responsible for protecting the nervous system (a whole other topic for discussion!), keeping the spine healthy supports a healthy and active lifestyle. Often, we go about our day to day activities, without a thought for the stress we put on our bodies.  A regular yoga practice which includes rotational movement - twisting, stretching and lengthening of the spine, will help to keep spinal health in check, and is a great way to untie both physical and mental knots.

Find your inner strength, Body – Mind – Spirit.


Credit: Photo by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash - Thank You 🙏

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